Bob Purdy is the Standup Paddle Surfing, Elder in Training from Paddle for the Planet. He has been paddling his Standup Paddle Surfer every day since January 1, 2011 to “change the Way we live on the Planet”! (that’s 1,537 consecutive days on March 17th). He is also founder of World Paddle for the Planet Day, a yearly event where paddlers around the World are invited to “Pick a change they want to see, paddle for it on World Paddle for the Planet Day, then commit to it until it becomes reality”! Bob is also featured in the recently released “The Paddler Movie”!
Bob will be a member of the panel discussion on Tuesday, March 17th 2015 beginning at 5PM in UNC Theatre. After the discussion on water related issues, there will be a screening of “The Paddler” which Bob stars in.
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