Day: March 19th, 2015 Venue: UBCO Central Courtyard Time: 12:00PM
Appearances of Courtyard Ceremonies include:
- Original musical composition from Dr. Hugo De Burgos and band
- Addresses from Dr. John Wagner, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal of UBCO Professor Deborah Buszard, Deputy Mayor Mohini Singh, Clayton McCann and Curtis Volkle
- A performance from Okanagan drummers and singers
- Jeannette Angel Fox, Margo Tamez, and INDG 450: “Engaging the Indigenous teachings on Water”.
Also joining us are groups from UBCOSU:
- The UBCO Environmental and Sustainability Society a group of students, staff and faculty dedicated to environment and sustainability projects, programs and initiatives on our campus. Our topic includes not only sustainable living, renewable energy and energy conservation, but also waste management, climate change, water use, biodiversity, urban development, social justice and human rights, and of course, transportation.
- The UBC British Columbia Water and Waste Association Student Chapter (UBC-BCWWA) is an AMS registered club for students who are interested in all things water related. We at UBC-BCWWA hope to promote interest in water issues as well as provide a platform to connect students with professionals in the water industry. Please explore our site to find out more about us and what we do!
- UNICEF stands for United Nations Children’s Fund and was started on December 11, 1946 to provide emergency healthcare and food to children effected by World War II. Now they continue to work around the world, helping mothers and children in developing countries.
- World Paddle for the Planet Day is yearly event where paddlers around the World are invited to pick a change they want to see, paddle for it on World Paddle for the Planet Day, then commit to it until it becomes reality.
Join the event’s FACEBOOK!
Some other links: